Friday, May 23, 2008

Flamingo Large pink and red wading bird, related to and similar to the heron, a stork, and spoonbill but with a longer neck, its feet are webbed, and a unique down bent bill.

Flamingos live in a tropical climate, although at times colonies have been observed high in the Andes. The American flamingo is now rarely seen in Florida nesting chiefly in the West Indies. Its plumage eight vermilion with black marks on the wings; a common South Asian and African flamingo is scarlet with black wing feathers.

When eating the flamingo scoops it's a large bill backward, shallow water in marshes and lagoons. When closed, the serrated and aquatic plants, shellfish, which the bird feeds. The nest is a cone of mud 1 to 2 ft. high and about 1 ft. across with a depression on top. The mates take turns incubating the one or two eggs, sitting astride the nest with their legs folded flat on either side.


Gorgeous MUM said...

hi! thanks for the visit! sure, we can xlinks. just let me know when i'm added and i'll do the same.

good day!

chess addict said...

Wla gud na dri sa pilipinas ng mananapa..hehe